OK! Tonight was the first night of the running club. I was rather apprehensive all day wondering just how hard this running thing would be. Turns out in some ways it was every horrid thing I expected and in other ways it was fantastic.
The Good: I met some great folks although they are all considerably younger. Our "coach" was a great motivator and carefully laid out the 6 week plan. She was inspiring, yet realistic about what each of us could accomplish. Each week we will get to run new routes so that we do not become bored...I like that a lot. Now that I am home, had some supper, had my cup of chai tea, I am actually feeling pretty satisfied with the expended energy.
There were several folks who ran with no problem and aced the 1.5 mile run. Then there was a small group of 3 who struggled, but did just fine. The final group of 3 did more walking than running, but seemed to have a good time. Then there was me...I ran alone in between the two groups. Should be interesting to see which group I finally land in.
The Bad: I ran 1.5 miles, which is farther than I have gone at one time since I did the Turkey Trot through Balboa Park last Thanksgiving. OMG the idea of running for 2 min and then do a walk/recovery for 1 min is a push for me. I wish it was the other way around...
The Ugly: I just plain HATE to sweat! How can I run and not sweat? I just don't have the internal drive for this. I can't seem to find the motivator. Hope something clicks soon, so i don't give up on it.
Clearly, the Good out ways the Bad and the Ugly, so I guess I just keep at it. How are you doing with your training and getting healthy?
Being retired gives you lots of time to do the things you didn't have time for when working. Join me on some of my travel adventures as well as life at home with family, friends, dogs, church, and other activities. Disclaimer: You will note that clearly I don't edit the text. Just read between the lines, get the "flavor" of my words, and have a good laugh!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
BBQ Anyone?
For years while our children were growing up we would cook and potluck together while our husbands were working. The kids got fed early, homework was done, and baths completed. Those are times I remember fondly. Christa and I both saved a lot of money by sharing the meals and had so much fun cooking old fashioned meals like mac/n
cheese, tuna noodle casserole, pot roast, mashed potatoes and fried chicken. Man, our kids ate well!
Then it was off to the "career" and I had less and less time for those "let's cook dinner tonight" meals. Soon we only got together on occasional weekends.No we are down to the neighborhood pot lucks that welcome and wave goodbye to the tourists.
So tonight is the night to BBQ some pollo asada. Cocktails while grilling, stories of aging ailments, and updates on our grown children. Speaking of grown children, I think one will be "dropping by" for a free meal at moms house. Oh...hear the husband's car rolling in, so I better close. Food is just about ready and it is time for another beer.
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Boys!
Here they are in the dining room. Auggie is resting and looking at me as if to say, "Could ya make this pest go away?" Danny of the other hand is ready to romp and play. The thing is, Auggie used to run around the house like a mad dog and could entertain himself for hours. Why is it that with age comes a tinge of crankiness? It appears that this is not just a human trait...
Right now, Danny has left to go help his master "clean house." That ought to be a sight to see. He gets toys out faster than you can put them in the basket! Auggie is SAFE at last and has found a delightful spot to rest in. Our family lovingly calls this "Sunshine Dog." Then there is "Pillow Dog." Basically any position you can rest in is fine with the Aug-man as long as Danny doesn't share the space or touch him.
Just looking at him is making me tired. I've been at the computer working for 6 hours now, so I think I deserve to lay down with my novel and then of course, fall asleep. As soon as he arouses and notices that I am not at the table any longer he will search me out and come curl up. That is when he becomes "Kitty Dog." What a life we retired folks lead!
Take time to share your favorite pet stories!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Time to Give a Little Time
Being retired has a wonderful hidden benefit. There is time to give back to the community that has been so good to you. For the longest time I have wanted to up-date some display cabinets at my church. There was nothing wrong with the cases, they just needed someone to put up new information and add a little color.
I volunteered to do it last year and it seemed that "the career" kept getting in the way of this small task that could benefit a larger number of folks. So, off I went with my bag of scrapbook papers, cut-out letters, and photographs. It took less than two hours and looks great. There was a sense of accomplishment when it was done along with a huge dose of guilt for not doing it sooner. So, retirement will be time to give back to the community and help others besides the usual workouts, dog-sitting and mundane household chores.
I am definitely blessed to have been able to retire at 55. I hope to use the time wisely.
I volunteered to do it last year and it seemed that "the career" kept getting in the way of this small task that could benefit a larger number of folks. So, off I went with my bag of scrapbook papers, cut-out letters, and photographs. It took less than two hours and looks great. There was a sense of accomplishment when it was done along with a huge dose of guilt for not doing it sooner. So, retirement will be time to give back to the community and help others besides the usual workouts, dog-sitting and mundane household chores.
I am definitely blessed to have been able to retire at 55. I hope to use the time wisely.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Broken Nail
As you know, working out is not something I do eagerly, but off I went this morning to the Y for my regular training session. I greeted the trainer with a smile and said, "So sorry, but I need to end our training session 5 minutes early today because I have a nail appointment." (I really had to go..I got the green stuff under my acrylic nail!). As you can imagine, the trainer wasn't impressed...we did lunges and these horrible sit-up things. Don't think it was punishment, it was just another part of the "non running day" routine.
One of the great things about retirement is that you can get your nails done whenever you like. But if your manicurist is leaving on vacation, you just have to go when you can get in. So you weigh the situation Nails or Exercise. Hard choice, but being a good sport, I tried to work in both. Just so you won't worry, the nails look great, the "green" has been treated and I got in a 55 minute workout! In my book that was a successful juggling of time.
While at the Y, I ran into another retired educator (actually one of the higher-ups) who I knew and worked with. We traded quick stories and he asked if the district had asked me back to do any work for them yet? LOL! Of course they have! And I love it!! You know, work on the projects you feel passionate about, work your own hours, and show up when it fits into your travel schedule. I loved my teaching work, so as far as I am concerned, this retirement thing is having your cake and eating it too. I highly recommend it.
One of the great things about retirement is that you can get your nails done whenever you like. But if your manicurist is leaving on vacation, you just have to go when you can get in. So you weigh the situation Nails or Exercise. Hard choice, but being a good sport, I tried to work in both. Just so you won't worry, the nails look great, the "green" has been treated and I got in a 55 minute workout! In my book that was a successful juggling of time.
While at the Y, I ran into another retired educator (actually one of the higher-ups) who I knew and worked with. We traded quick stories and he asked if the district had asked me back to do any work for them yet? LOL! Of course they have! And I love it!! You know, work on the projects you feel passionate about, work your own hours, and show up when it fits into your travel schedule. I loved my teaching work, so as far as I am concerned, this retirement thing is having your cake and eating it too. I highly recommend it.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Dueling Dachshunds

There is no love lost between those two (Auggie with the red collar and Danny with the blue collar) although by this time a certain tolerance and acceptance level has been established. Or so I thought until day before yesterday..
You see, I needed to go for a walk (that exercise thing that I must do now that I am retired). I was watching both dogs who typically spend their days at the office, but today they stayed home. No problem I thought. I'll just put them both in the kitchen with the baby gate up, put down a towel to lay on and set out and a little pee-pee pad just in case. Good solid plan right?
Oh, so WRONG! Apparently they barked the entire time. That is not the worst of it. You know about a peeing contest (well it is really called something else that starts with a "p" but I taught 3rd graders so I'll keep it clean). Well, Auggie and Danny decided to go one even better and have a POOPING contest! Who could lay the biggest turd?!
It was all over the kitche
n floor (note, nothing landed on the specially set out pee pee pad). It wasn't enough to poop in the kitchen, Danny decided to spread it around the kitchen. TMI for you! Well, ya should have been there, 'cuz whatever you're visualizing doesn't come close to the reality! When I got home, Auggie looked at me like "Please, let me outta here!" and Danny pretty much grinned to say, "Hey are you ready to play now?" Windex and Lysol are my new best friends along with a roll of Costco paper towels.

Moral of this story-don't go walking! No, not really, just don't leave them penned up together. Trouble is just around the corner. Stay tuned for more Auggie and Danny stories as they are a huge part of my life and I do seem to be watching them more now that I am "retired."
To Card or Not to Card
For the last two days I have been busy making cards. You may ask why would anyone want to do such a thing when you can go to the mall or even a grocery store and pick up a card. Well, let me tell you, it is a little like relaxation therapy. You have to stop and think in a creative way. You sort papers by colors and prints and figure out ways to best fit them into a card size envelope. But even more than that is the satisfaction of giving a little piece of yourself to a friend.
It is just a little way to say, "Happy Birthday," "Get Well," or just "Thinking About You." My little sister (yeah, she's 50 already) got me started a few years back and we have so much fun creating cards together. Since she doesn't live in town, when we plan a "card making session" it is usually on a weekend because of the 2 hour drive each way. But it is a great time to share sister stories, catch up on family stuff, and feed off of her super creativity. Her cards put mine to shame!
I have neglected some of my in-town ladies who make cards with me, but I truly have been busy...I mean besides the working out and house work. I hope we will get together soon and make fall cards while watching the Chargers. Of course, if the Chargers have a winning season, the card making will come to a halt due to the constant screaming and shouting for every touchdown.
The problem with card making though is two-fold. One, it is costly to buy the papers etc. Well, it is costly for me, because I love all the colors and stamps and can't say no. HOWEVER, now that I am retired, I have no money to buy the pretty papers, so I will use what I have :) The second and probably most problematic is that once you get all the stuff out, your entire house (note, not room) is full of STUFF! Poor Dan can't find a place for his briefcase once the paper stuff is spread out.
But it is all worth it because giving a home-made card is a gift from the heart and that is something that money can't buy. So if you get a card from me, I have given you my time, my creativity, and my love. For you I have neglected the grocery shopping, ironing, house cleaning, and cherished book reading.
It is just a little way to say, "Happy Birthday," "Get Well," or just "Thinking About You." My little sister (yeah, she's 50 already) got me started a few years back and we have so much fun creating cards together. Since she doesn't live in town, when we plan a "card making session" it is usually on a weekend because of the 2 hour drive each way. But it is a great time to share sister stories, catch up on family stuff, and feed off of her super creativity. Her cards put mine to shame!
I have neglected some of my in-town ladies who make cards with me, but I truly have been busy...I mean besides the working out and house work. I hope we will get together soon and make fall cards while watching the Chargers. Of course, if the Chargers have a winning season, the card making will come to a halt due to the constant screaming and shouting for every touchdown.
The problem with card making though is two-fold. One, it is costly to buy the papers etc. Well, it is costly for me, because I love all the colors and stamps and can't say no. HOWEVER, now that I am retired, I have no money to buy the pretty papers, so I will use what I have :) The second and probably most problematic is that once you get all the stuff out, your entire house (note, not room) is full of STUFF! Poor Dan can't find a place for his briefcase once the paper stuff is spread out.
But it is all worth it because giving a home-made card is a gift from the heart and that is something that money can't buy. So if you get a card from me, I have given you my time, my creativity, and my love. For you I have neglected the grocery shopping, ironing, house cleaning, and cherished book reading.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A Great Day For A Jog
We negotiate. We bargain. In the end he gets me to do what needs to be done and I somehow get the sense that I got to do it "my way." Our latest goal is to run a 15 minute mile. Now don't laugh! It used to be a 20 minute mile. I know you all can walk a 15 minute mile, but I am trying my best to keep moving. The thing is, I like to stroll; you know take small casual steps. Not so in running! I have to remember to eat something first, take longer strides, relax the muscles, get in a comfortable pace, land on your heals not toes, breath evenly, stretch before and after (in my case during too)... gees, I thought ya just went outside and started running! Wait til I try to add the iPod too...
With running you not only get out of breath, but your hips hurt, your calves cramp up, and you sweat. Not so good for a princess. But the good news is today I made the goal of the 15 minute mile! Yes!!! I plan to walk-run in the Trail of Torment in Mission Trails Oct. 4 and I must be able to complete it. That gives me two more weeks to get out there and run, run, run. Unfortunately, I need a babysitter to come along and coach me through otherwise after 200 feet, I am ready to quit and walk the rest of the way.
The Princess Syndrome is tough to overcome and I don't know how realistic it is at age 55, especially since I have exhibited these princess tendencies since early childhood. Just ask my sisters...they know this to be true! But I will keep at it and who knows I may do a 5K in 14 minute miles one day :)
The Princess Syndrome is tough to overcome and I don't know how realistic it is at age 55, especially since I have exhibited these princess tendencies since early childhood. Just ask my sisters...they know this to be true! But I will keep at it and who knows I may do a 5K in 14 minute miles one day :)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sorry, I Can't Come In Today

Maybe I will get a call to substitute for tomorrow or maybe I will just sleep in.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My New Friend: The Shredder
Retirement gives one time to do all of the nasty jobs that you put off for years. I have several to choose from. Of most immediate need is the streamlining of the filing cabinet. I have avoided shredding old utility bills, vet bills, etc. for several years; you know, just no time!
So, in my spare time, I decided to get rid of the excess paper trail. I dug out and dusted off the shredder and went to town. Yikes! That thing ate 10 sheets at a time and even ate the staples. Amazing!
Maybe now I have time to think about "going green" and try electronic bill paying. But in case I don't, there's now room for more record storage. And I do have time now to shred and shred, and shred.
So, in my spare time, I decided to get rid of the excess paper trail. I dug out and dusted off the shredder and went to town. Yikes! That thing ate 10 sheets at a time and even ate the staples. Amazing!
Maybe now I have time to think about "going green" and try electronic bill paying. But in case I don't, there's now room for more record storage. And I do have time now to shred and shred, and shred.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Golden Handshake

My name is Katie, and I was a teacher for 18 years... I recently retired thanks to the "Golden Handshake". If you are unfamiliar with the "Golden Handshake", the San Diego City School District decided it would be cheaper to pay people to retire early and hire cheaper teachers.
So, now that I have accepted my handshake, I have nothing to do!!!!!
The first thing that came to mind was to start a blog so that all the folks in internetland can read about my exciting adventures... doing nothing.
I have 1 kid who I STILL support, one that is married and lives way too far away, and an old deaf wiener dog who likes my neighbor more than he likes me. I have a loving husband who takes "mental naps" most of the day, perhaps that is because he is sick of hearing me nag for 33 years.
So check back frequently as I have plenty of time to sit at a computer and write about my adventures in retirement.
My name is Katie, and I was a teacher for 18 years... I recently retired thanks to the "Golden Handshake". If you are unfamiliar with the "Golden Handshake", the San Diego City School District decided it would be cheaper to pay people to retire early and hire cheaper teachers.
So, now that I have accepted my handshake, I have nothing to do!!!!!
The first thing that came to mind was to start a blog so that all the folks in internetland can read about my exciting adventures... doing nothing.
I have 1 kid who I STILL support, one that is married and lives way too far away, and an old deaf wiener dog who likes my neighbor more than he likes me. I have a loving husband who takes "mental naps" most of the day, perhaps that is because he is sick of hearing me nag for 33 years.
So check back frequently as I have plenty of time to sit at a computer and write about my adventures in retirement.
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