This winding road is actually called Palm Sunday road. It winds its way down the hill overlooking the Kidron Valley and the old city of Jerusalem. You can just picture Jesus going down this road and heading to the Eastern Gate to enter the city. At the bottom of the road is the Garden of Gethsemane.

See the tree behind the fence? This tree is over 2000 years old! The garden is located at the bottom of the Mount of Olives and Palm Sunday road. We know that Titus, according to Josephus, chopped down all the trees in Jerusalem. The olive trees in the garden today probably grew from the ro

ots of those in Jesus day. It is possible that one or two of the trees are of Jesus' time. It is at this point that a church has been built called The Church of all Nations. It stands across the Kidron Valley from the Golden Gate (Luke 22:39), this is where Jesus was taken into custody after praying through the night (Matt. 26:36-56; John 18:1-13)
There are two sections of the garden-separated by a street. One is public where you can see the ancient tree and the other that is private where we went and had a time of prayer and worship. Tim and Erin played music and when that was over Erin preached.
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