Being retired gives you lots of time to do the things you didn't have time for when working. Join me on some of my travel adventures as well as life at home with family, friends, dogs, church, and other activities. Disclaimer: You will note that clearly I don't edit the text. Just read between the lines, get the "flavor" of my words, and have a good laugh!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Home Again
When we turned in the rental car I check to see our trip mileage and it indicated that we had driven 1164 miles. Well, Dan drove them, I just navigated with Garmin and slept along the way. It was a great 2 weeks, but as all vacations, it is wonderful to be home.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
What, A Basement?
Snowing Leaves?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Chicago in Gold
On the Road Yet Again
Dan Helps Out
Sunday, October 25, 2009
On the Road to Ohio
The highway was full of color-ranging from yellow to red and every possible color in between. Scattered amongst the deciduous trees were a variety of pines which, of course, are keeping their deep green hugh. The contrast is fantastic and my little 3.2 mega pixel camera -through the windshield-does no justice to what we were seeing. The mapel trees are just so gorgeous. Once we arrived it did start to sprinkle a bit, but by then we didn't really care. Patty had a teriffic meal ready and the "catch-up" chatter began!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Perfect Fall Tree
Down the street at few houses I spotted this tree with yellow, gold and red emerging. It is just amazing the colors we are seeing here.
Heading for Indiana
Monday, October 19, 2009
Mars Cheese Castle
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Apple Picking Day
It's Vacation Time
Sunday, October 11, 2009
60th Annniversary
What a great celebration to be a part of! Retirement has been good for them and I hope that Dan and I will be alive and healthy another 27 years so that we can celebrate our 60th anniversary! Congratulations, Pete and Rose!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Baby Gate vs. Dachshund
Apparently he just stayed in the kitchen and waited for my return. At least there was no evidence of mischief while I was gone. Silly puppy~
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Fast, Freeze, Poke, and Draw
Then the good Doc asked when I last had a tetanus shot? Well, how could I possible remember that...after all, I'm 55 and the memory isn't what it use to be! So in comes the chipper nurse to give me the shot. "Oh by the way, your arm may hurt for a few days, so I'll put it in your left arm!" she says sweetly. Oh swell!
"...and by the way, I think you should have a flu shot while we are at it" the Doc says. Well, I guess I have another arm to stab at, so why not? I can just imagine how my arms will feel in the morning.
Since this was an annual physical, I was able to donate 4 vials of blood to the cause. The tech assures me that I will get the results in two weeks and as I leave she tells me to have a great afternoon. It is now evening and I limp, have stiff arms and a big bruise where I donated blood. Good thing I got to go have a frozen yogurt to make it feel better. :)
I am making light of all this because it really is silly stuff. I am so grateful that our good Doctors and Nurses work hard to keep all of us healthy and when we are afflicted with something, they are right there to diagnose, treat, and support us. I am grateful for the health care coverage and the wonderful family doctor I have. I hope that if the day comes when a test comes back indicating a problem, that I can keep a sense of humor and know that I am in good hands with my medical team and most importantly the good Lord above.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I Miss Them!
I get to return on Friday for a group of 1st graders. I have never taught or aspired to teach 1st graders, but I am looking forward to it. I know that the teacher that will be out runs a pretty "tight ship" just like I do, so there shouldn't be any problems...except for the short attention span thing. We'll see how it goes. They are into a series of books entitled Fancy Nancy, so I may think of an activity to do that incorporates those book characters.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Trail of Torment 5K
Every time there was a camera we did run...or trot. Everyone who finished the event got a medal which is so cool because it can be inspiring. Now Dan did this race last year and this year he beat his time in over a minute! The scary part is that from the date of the last race until today he has not run, jogged, or trotted at all. I work with a trainer and a little running group and struggle.
Bye Padres!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sleeping In...NOT
Now that I have had a few months off, the ole' time clock is adjusting and I am trying to sleep in an extra hour. Well, the other day I thought I would just lounge around until 8:30. NOT! Do you have any idea what goes on in a neighborhood while you have left for the day? YIKES
First there are the beloved "trash-pickers." These are the homeless and not so homeless folk that root through the trash cans beginning about 6:30. They are NOT QUIET or SUBTLE about what they are doing. Some even leave trash all over the street after sorting through trash bags. Now, I am all for recycling, and I am glad they are helping out in their own way, but they leave a mess and are very LOUD while many of us are trying to sleep. The banging of a trash can lid can scare you right out of a deep sleep.
Once the trash-pickers have come through, the house begins to shake and rattle as the trash collector truck rambles across our antiquated, pot-holed street. That wakes you for sure if you were able to drift off for a few extra minutes. Stop-go-stop-go. Geez those trucks are loud. You may be thinking, "Get over it-it's just once a week!" A big NOT to that!! Our alley must have no less than 4 different service companies sending trucks rattling down it. That is a trash truck almost every day of the week.
OK, so now I am up and I plan some quiet time to read. NOT! The gardener comes with his truck. He has a mower, a blower, and a weed-wacker. HE wears industrial ear protection like those worn by airport groundsmen. What do I get? NOISE. He is a popular gardener because he does several homes in a row...that means several HOURS of noise. I do live on a pretty street though.
So, pretty much until noon, there is no such thing as quiet. Who needs to sleep in anyway when there is laundry to do, dusting, mopping, cooking, toilet cleaning, ironing, cleaning out drawers, sorting files, updating computer data, writing this blog, checking on the dogs, calling other retired friends, card making, cleaning out the car, and so much more. Doesn't retirement sound appealing? I always wondered how Auggie could sleep all morning...he's deaf!
Actually I am excited that next week I get to substitute teach for 3 days back at my old school. I wonder what that will be like? I'll keep you posted. But first I have to get through the Trail of Terror 5K coming up this weekend. I will definitely share my thoughts on that and maybe a picture or two. It is supposed to be cold out on the trail at 7 a.m. (that works well for us "hot-flash" mamas)!