Beth was tasked with baking pumpkin pie. She whipped out five HOMEMADE crusts in nothing flat and then made the filling. She is amazing. I thought Mrs. Smith's frozen would have done okay, but apparently not :). Don't they look awesome!
Now we know Brian will be bummed because he is not getting any of this pie, but perhaps there will be a repeat when Christmas comes. Heidi is bringing an apple pie for those who enjoy fruit pie--That is definitely Dan and I know I love it too!
While Beth worked diligently on the pies, I took to the task of:
- Sage Dressing (Dad's family recipe)- into a crock pot-but drying out the bread took 2 days.
- Cranberry Chutney (another of Dad's recipes)- thank heaven's we now have food processors
- Mashed Potatoes (not your ordinary potatoes: cream cheese, sour cream, whipping cream, butter, scallions, and lots of shaved Parmesan cheese) Cholesterol Hell!
- Gravy from the turkey stock I made yesterday
- Two sausage, onion and spinach pies (kind like a double-crusted quiche and DEFINITELY frozen pie shells) for after the Thanksgiving Day 5K-better known as the Turkey Trot to benefit Father Joe Carroll's Charity.
STILL TO DO TONIGHT: prepare fruit salad and clean the bathrooms before the guests come. Guess I should pick up all the dog toys that Danny and Auggie have strewn around too.
My hands are killing me from so much dish washing. We filled 3 trash bags before the night was over. I filled 3 bags yesterday with other prep work. Tomorrow will be more. I should stop whining about clean-up~I am so blessed to have my family here in San Diego to share this wonderful holiday!
Parts III and IV tomorrow!
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