3:35 was game time and Dan and I went to Qualcom Stadium to watch the home opener for the 2010 season.
We played the Atlanta Braves and won 17 to 1. What a start. The game opened with Colbie Cailet singing the Star Spangled Banner. There were rocket flares, cannon blasts, and a formation of fighter jets flew overhead. It was awesome! They couldn't unfurl the giant field size flag because it was raining. The rain lasted only 10 or 15 minutes and the rest of the game was dry and sunny.
The Pads are a young~very young team and our expectations aren't real high, but if tonight's game was anything like what we might see the rest of the season, it is going to be a blast.
Our new seats are even with the pitching mound located between third and home. We are in row 16 and are over the visitor dug-out. Lots of balls are thrown our way. Lots of little kids go home happy. Lots of fly balls come our way too, so no texting...it is heads up ball!
We have a 1/2 season package so that is 40 games! That is plenty for this fan. I know you can't tell what is on my ball cap, but it says Padre Princess on it. Of course I would buy this hat!!
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