Because he is so old, they had to do a Senior Blood Panel before the procedure. That is $135. On the day of the teeth cleaning he was whisked off to a kennel to wait (you can just bet how well that went over)!

I was to pick him up at 3:30, but they called to say, his temperature was low, so they had to warm him for awhile~ come at 5:30? So I did.
Upon arrival, I got the bill:
Anesthesia-minor 0 - 40 lbs (yes he is 12 lbs) cost: $76
Teeth cleaning cost: $95
Ward care cost: $17 - right, he was in a kennel!
Injection cost $28
IV Catheter/Fluids cost $67
Amoxidrops (antibiotic) cost $22.50
Extraction teeth minor cost: $16
Total cost for service was $321.50 plus the blood panel for a grand total of $456.50. Now, when
was the last time you had a "regular teeth cleaning appointment" and it cost you almost $500? And this for a DOG! They did send me home with his tooth in a baggie. What, I'm going to save this? I didn't even save my kids teeth!
He was brave though. Because of the tube down his throat, he has a rather raspy sounding bark. Due to the anesthesia, he wobbles and shakes when he walks, his lower eyelids droop, and basically he is confused, but that should subside soon. He has now lost a total of 6 teeth over the years. Four on top, and two on the bottom. He is a toothless wonder and if they suggest doggie dentures I will scream!
His tough boy leather jacket says Biker Dude and our neighbor gave it to him so he would be brave for his surgery. Note the little bandage on the paw where the IV was removed. OKAY...enough of this, today he ran down the street to visit the neighbor. So much for the "poor little wobbly me" syndrome.
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