My sister Margey and her husband's family have a huge 4 bedroom house on the Colorado River in Bull Head City. It is near Laughlin, AZ. They invited us to stay at the place and then drive over to see the Grand Canyon and spend a night there. So we turned it into a huge family trip. Jay and Heidi, Dan and Katie, Tom, Margey, and Joey, and Beth. We caravanned in two cars for four hours. It was a fun 5 day adventure.

We spent two nights at the River and then drove 4 hours to the Grand Canyon. Oh, it was so pretty! Dan, Jay, Joey, and Heidi actually did some hiking while the rest of us walked along the South Rim. We drove through there when the kids were 13 or so and while the Canyon is the same, the museums, shops, and eateries certainly have changed and been modernized.
It was really fun to hang with our grown kids. It made me really miss Brian and Patience though. I think it would have been great if Emma and Cayce had been able to join us too.
After the Grand Canyon we headed back to the River house for another day and a half for billiards, Hand and Foot cards, Dominoes, and sightseeing in Laughlin. It was too cold to go into the water and the family was having the dock rebuilt as it had broken down with weather and abuse. It was actually beautiful weather-just right after all the heat and humidity of the Far East.
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