Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fence Demolition

In 1977 when we bought our house there was an existing brick fence around the little 8 x 30 strip of lawn. In 1982, Dan tore out the crumbling brick fence and put up a wooden fence. We have a photo of Jay helping his dad "build" the fence all those years ago. He was 2 at the time.

So, 28 years have passed and we felt that we could no longer ignore that fact that we needed a new fence. We were a lawsuit just waiting to happen! If you leaned on the fence it would fall. Over the years, Dan has reinforced it with stakes, 2 x 4s and other clever means of support. The reason we did it now was because of the recent winter storms that finally blew down part of the fence that
was attached with our neighbors. Is this just awful or what?

Now we have a beautiful new fence that is sure to last another 28 years~long after Dan and I are dead or don't care anymore. I doubt if we would even own the property then. Guess you could say we have gotten our money's worth so far!

The Toothless Biker

At 8:30 a.m. on Friday, soon to be 15 year old Auggie, went to the Vet for his annual teeth cleaning. He does not brush his teeth with bones and isn't big on letting me dig around and brush his teeth, so alas, he has tartar build up, stinky breath, and general poor dental health.

Because he is so old, they had to do a Senior Blood Panel before the procedure. That is $135. On the day of the teeth cleaning he was whisked off to a kennel to wait (you can just bet how well that went over)!
I was to pick him up at 3:30, but they called to say, his temperature was low, so they had to warm him for awhile~ come at 5:30? So I did.

Upon arrival, I got the bill:
Anesthesia-minor 0 - 40 lbs (yes he is 12 lbs) cost: $76
Teeth cleaning cost: $95
Ward care cost: $17 - right, he was in a kennel!
Injection cost $28
IV Catheter/Fluids cost $67
Amoxidrops (antibiotic) cost $22.50
Extraction teeth minor cost: $16

Total cost for service was $321.50 plus the blood panel for a grand total of $456.50. Now, when
was the last time you had a "regular teeth cleaning appointment" and it cost you almost $500? And this for a DOG! They did send me home with his tooth in a baggie. What, I'm going to save this? I didn't even save my kids teeth!

He was brave though. Because of the tube down his throat, he has a rather raspy sounding bark. Due to the anesthesia, he wobbles and shakes when he walks, his lower eyelids droop, and basically he is confused, but that should subside soon. He has now lost a total of 6 teeth over the years. Four on top, and two on the bottom. He is a toothless wonder and if they suggest doggie dentures I will scream!

His tough boy leather jacket says Biker Dude and our neighbor gave it to him so he would be brave for his surgery. Note the little bandage on the paw where the IV was removed. OKAY...enough of this, today he ran down the street to visit the neighbor. So much for the "poor little wobbly me" syndrome.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dan Goes Shopping

Dan will be 61 in December and since he was 18 he has worn either cords, jeans, flannels, or polo shirts to work. It is just who he is. Well, let me tell you we had quite a shopping experience today. Typically I do not shop with him because it takes forever to make a decision and we have to go to 4 different stores to "check everything out" and then we go back to the first store. I see what I need, get it and get out. Done deal, not so with Dan.

Our big cruise to Norway on the Queen Mary 2 is coming up and he has not 1 outfit suitable to wear to dinner! I kid you not...except for the jeans for the off shore excursions he doesn't have much to put in a suitcase. Eleven days is a LONG time with nothing appropriate to wear.

So we bought a tux--I had no idea that if you wear a tux twice it is about the same cost of renting it, but then you own it. Man, we should have done this a LONG time ago. Anyway, he looks SO good in that cumber bun and bow tie :). Then we bought a black suit with an assortment of shirts and ties. We have 2 formal and 4 dressy (elegant) dinners where coats and ties are mandatory. He is set! Then there are 5 elegant casual and that means open collar shirt with coat. So we got more shirts and a navy coat to go with Dockers. I'm telling you the man looks GOOD! Everything will be tailored to fit and all I need to do is wash the shirts.

About the shirts~ you won't believe this: one is a blue, yellow and white plaid button down collar, one is a gray button down and the third is a peach color with light blue lines running though it. They sound weird I know, but they are great look on him. So when I start posting pictures from the cruise, just be prepared! He says his closet will rival his son Brian's now! Dan in a suit coat for dinner!!

So after we got the stuff I reminded him that these items cannot go in the surfing duffle bag he takes everywhere. That means a piece of luggage to buy! Aya!!! Well, tomorrow he leaves on his annual golf trip/tournament to Mesquite, NV with the his "12 men friends." When he gets back at the end of the week, he will have to think about the suitcase issue.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

One Final Hike

Hidden away in Princeville is a hike that winds its way down to rocky cliffs known as the Queen's Bath. It is just beautiful! There is a pool of clear water surrounded by the lava rock and very secluded. We hiked down on our last day for a sunset view. It was spectacular and one last opportunity to get bitten by mosquitoes. Heidi won the prize for the most bites with Patience and Brian right behind. I was lucky enough to only have 3 if you can believe that! This picture was taken just after the sun set. Brian and Patience hiked down to it. By the time they made it back to
the top it was pitch black. Don't they look relaxed?