Saturday, August 18, 2012

Orion comes to Visit

Today I was scheduled to watch Danny Boy while the gang went hiking in preparation of the upcoming Grand Canyon Hike. One of the guys who was joining them on the hike was Jay' s  old roommate, Paul. Paul has a new doggie-Orion, an 8 month old Corgi. He is as cute as a bug (a big bug) and fairly well behaved especially for  a pup. He does like to sit on every piece of furniture there is though.

Danny and Orion spent a good 8 hours of the 16 hour day rolling, chewing, humping, licking, and generally slobbering all over each other. It was so disgusting. Danny was slick with slobber. The house reeks of wet dog fur! I am sure they will both sleep well tonight, because they sure didn't take much of a break today.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Heat Wave

Is this heat getting to any of you?!
We San Diegan's who live at the beach don't really know much about humidity and heat. Temperatures are fairly steady. The 88 degrees we have is hot, but the humidity makes it feel like 108. I told Dan it was like being in Thailand again.

It is so hot, I think I will go take a nap...because I can.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Reunion

It's hard to believe I graduated from high school 40 years ago! The Sonora Raiders had their reunion in Costa Mesa last weekend. I was a little apprehensive about going because I was sure I would remember few if any of the people. I knew of one person who would be there (see picture). I would say I talked with about 8 people that I was friends with or had in classes. Many of the people I vaguely remembered, but we all look so different. Thankfully the reunion committee provided name tags with pictures or we would all be lost! I look like I have the same glasses! LOL

Everyone looked great...of course we all have a few pounds added and either graying, losing, or balding in the case of some of the guys! I saw 2 gals that look EXACTLY like they did at 17. How come they didn't gain a pound or get a gray hair? It was like a time warp.

It was sad to see photos of the dozen or so who had died over the years. I spent a great deal of time with an old pal who now lives in Alabama. She is an amazing woman and I really enjoyed hearing her life's story post high school. It was so interesting to talk with people and see how we had all "grown up."

Two teachers were there that I had and it was good to chat with them. One, my biology teacher, looked amazing for 73! He calls himself a "gentleman rancher" and lives in Colorado. I think all the girls had a crush on him back then, and he continues to look great and have that wonderful, genuine, personality. And to think he remembered me! He showed us the yearbook he brought with him so he could refresh his memory. Glad I wasn't the only one that did that!!

I must say though that those days seem very distant and I don't recall as much detail as I would have liked. I remember silly things, like where we ate at lunch, where our lockers were, and gym class. Most of the class seem to have stayed connected via Facebook (remember, I am not allowed to have that per Jay) so they have continued to build memories. I laughed to my friend and said how while I remembered little, I was sure my sister Beth will remember it all when it comes around to her 40th!

Glad I went, but won't go to a 50th. Dan was a good sport to tag along :) The key word from this entire blog entry: REMEMBER.