Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mt. Whitney~ "They Made It In One Day!"

Monday August 2, 2010 will be a day our family remembers for quite some time. Jay and Dan, along with two friends Dave and Jennifer hiked Mt. Whitney. It took them 15 hours! They were up at 1 a.m. preparing to leave the motel and be ready to begin the hike no later than 3 a.m. I can't imagine being up at that hour! Anyway, it has been reported that they saw a great sunrise and that the weather was most agreeable. Those are the "good" facts.

They said it was like no other experience. It was desolate and just went on and on and on. Fortunately they took altitude sickness pills and that became a non-issue. Near the top the air was thin and they could hardly walk. I think the downhill was quicker, but Dan was pretty wobbly once they got to the bottom. He said he would not have made it
without the poles. I really have nothing else to say, but if you go to you can get a better sense of the day. I am including a few of the pictures here.

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