Thursday, December 6, 2012

Weight Watchers

YEAH!! I met my goal---well, my Dr.'s goal for my weight loss. He wanted me to lose 20 lbs. in hopes of helping my hip bursitis. I started the journey of weight loss in April and just last week, I finally reached the goal. OK, I have not been at this weight since 2000! The bursitis is indeed better, but not 100%.

Weight loss is both good and bad. On the up side, I feel better. On the down side, I had to buy new clothes! That may seem odd coming from the queen of shopping, but I need new clothes from top to bottom. Everything sort of hangs on me and that is not good for the wallet.

Now the challenge will be to keep the weight off through the holiday seasons and while traveling abroad. I have discovered that the secret for me is going to the meetings for weekly encouragement and doing some activity daily. Weight Watchers is such a great program and offers so much support. I'm going to try to lose another 5 pounds, but I won't set that goal for over the holidays. Just hoping to maintain from now through January.

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