Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Prep Time for Turkey Day Part I

It is Wednesday and my sister Beth and I are up and ready to start the preparations for the big event tomorrow. All the family will be here except Emma who is in Ohio at school and Brian and Patience who are in Chicago with her family. We have a new member joining us and that is a young woman named Heidi who is Jay's girlfriend. Can you believe it, she and Jay were born 11 days apart? Jay is the younger of the two and Jay reminds her he is dating a younger woman...I am not sure how enthralled she is with the comment.

To begin the day Beth and I were out the door by 8:30 a.m. and headed for the YMCA for our workout session with Brandon, the trainer. After a quick warm-up on the treadmill, I went to do some ab work...ugh, I so dread that. Anyway, as we were training I got the bright ideas to mix-up the workout and asked if we could play basketball instead of the usual cardio and weight routine.
Now Brandon is a HUGE basketball fan and was a player in high school and college, so of course he was up for it. We went and got Beth off the treadmill and the 3 of us went to the courts.

We learned some shooting drills, a little dribbling, some passing (three kinds), and how to shoot using our legs like springs. It was fun! He played some silly game called knock-out. We were out of breath and had a great workout.

When we left we felt ready to tackle the turkey-day prep work! Now I was somewhat hesitant to go back to Vons for yet another trip in sweaty nasty workout attire, but we did it anyway. After walking the produce aisle a few minutes Beth laughed and said that all the people in the store either just came from the gym or they all just wear workout clothes for the heck of it.

Hmm...maybe they were working off the "intended" calories of tomorrow.

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