Thursday, December 10, 2009

Auggie Goes to the Hospital

Auggie scared us all yesterday as his gut literally blew up before our eyes and he went into shock. Fortunately he was being an "office dog" and not a "stay home alone dog." He had already arrived at Shore Management for a day of sleeping and hunting for treats. Katie, the bookkeeper, saw what was happening and took him to the vet where they were able to stabelize him although he remained quite ill. At the end of the day he was still to sick to come home.
We had to take him to an overnight animal ER where they did more tests. Now if you know this old doggie, you know that putting him in a cage is not an option. He will scream for hours (I kid you not), shake and ram his nose into the cage making it bloody. But this time they said he simply slept all night (with no sedation). When I picked him up to return
him to the regular day vet hospital he simply laid in his bed under a towel and slept. This is yet another sign that he was not well. He hates the car and has major panic attacks if you go on a freeway. He ignored the whole thing transport thing.

Oh! I hear him coming home now. He still has a bandage where they took his IV out, but he looks okay. Dan and I are going out tonight, so he will go back to Katie's for babysitting. Good thing I have retired so I can stay home and watch him tomorrow. Guess I will invite Danny over for a play date. It is supposed to rain, so perhaps there will be napping involved too :)

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