Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mussel Tasting

On Saturday we went to the city of Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island. It is similar in historic value to our Williamsburg, VA. As we were docking we had a beautiful view of this sleepy little town with small wooden homes. It reminded me a bit of Norway. We took a nice scenic bus tour around the eastern section of the island before getting onto a small vessel that took tour groups out to see the mussel and lobster traps. It was a cold, overcast day, but the trip was fun anyway. Luckily the windows on this tiny boat had plastic roll down coverings or we would have returned as popsicles! Once on board we headed out to see where the traps are kept- and there are thousands of them! The crew cooked us some mussels and passed large plates of them around to everyone. Dan had two plates and I passed completely! YUCK.

After eating the mussels we motored on to
see the lobster traps. The gal pulled one out for us to see and showed us 2 of the lobsters inside. They reminded me of the crayfish we study in 3rd grade science. Did you know that lobster are related to the cockroach family? Lobster are really sea insects. Think about that next time you spend $55 on a lobster dinner! Guess that McLobster for $5 from McDonald's is sounding better all the time, huh?!

From here we went on to a seal rookery. It was a fun 2 hour excursion, but good to get back onto the warm ship.

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