Sunday, October 23, 2011

On The Road Again

Dan and I took off again on what seems like an annual fall trip to the mid-west. Gosh we love the fall colors and the chill in the air. The rain put a huge damper on the golfing-as in it didn't happen while in Chicago or Indiana. The drive between IL, IN, and OH is fairly easy and with the navigation system, it was a breeze.

On the first leg of the journey we landed in Chicago and made record time from Midway Airport to the kid's home during rush hour traffic no less! One hour and two minutes. Our first night we walked to a great little hole in the wall restaurant called Acre and had an appetizer compliments of the chef that Bri and Patience know well. It was tender, succulent, beef tongue! It was actually quite good, but I just could not get past the idea of what I was eating.

Dan and Brian are becoming beer connoisseurs and we brought some good beer that you can only get in California to Chicago. In Chicago you can BYOB to many restaurants. So, we took a beer with us to Acre and while Patience and I walked home after dinner, the boys sat and drank designer beers at the bar! Not my idea of a fun evening, but they liked it I guess.

The next day Patience and I ran errands and she baked a cake for a friend of theirs. She is turning into a wonderful baker and has started her own business baking cakes. Not only do they look good, they are delicious. I think her blog is called Splash batter and bake (no spaces) dot blogspot dot com.  Then more beer tasting with their friends later that night.

We left there on Monday to drive to Indiana and had a wonderful visit with my aunt and uncle and cousin. Super great visit despite the rain. My aunt cooks great comfort food and it was just like being at home with mom and dad again. Of course, my uncle looks just like dad, so that kinda sets the tone. We look forward to our visit again next year.

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