Monday, March 19, 2012

On To Hong Kong

We hit the ground running after the cruise ship docked. We grabbed 4 taxi's and headed for our hotel located in the heart of Hong Kong. It was a lovely place overlooking a park and the skyline of Hong Kong in the distance.

We grabbed a map and found our way to the underground subway and headed out for the sights and sound of Hong Kong. This photo was taken above the subway system looking down at the bustling street shops below. It is down in this area that we shopped for Asian antiques (well, others in the group did), and looked for all kinds of bargains. You could literally find anything-from high end museum pieces to cheap trinkets. It was a great place to buy pashminas, jewelry, jade, shoes, food, etc. It was a very safe place, but people everywhere.

Hong Kong appears to be a city that never sleeps. They are up early doing Thai Chi in the city parks before going to work.  As we were dragging back to our hotel  around 10 p.m., the streets were even more crowded if such a thing could be possible! And they are all under 35 it seems, well dressed, and walking fast. Lots of balck horn-rimmed square or rectangular glasses. Some people even had them on with no glass in them!

Construction is going on all over the place. You know how we use scaffolding here in the U.S.-- poles, planks, and screws? Not so in Asia. The poles are replaced with really long bamboo shoots. Instead of screws, they use black plastic-ties. And who needs boards or planks, you just scale the thing like a monkey. We watched mesmerized as men slapped up the scaffolding higher and higher! OSHA is definitely in charge over there!

One day I was not feeling well and had to stay home while they went out on a mad "shopping trip." They went to the Ladies Street Market (where you buy all kinds of female junk) and the Jade Street Market (where you buy inexpensive jade). Dan did a STELLAR job of bringing me back a couple of jade necklaces and a pair of jade earrings. I think all 5 pieces were under $40! Stunning looking, but oh so cheap!

As for shopping--well I think I am cured at least for awhile. I am sick of shopping. Only spent about $120 on the whole trip on shopping stuff, but it was tiring and I am just not interested any longer. Hope it lasts for awhile. Gotta start saving now for the next great adventure! i have something in mind, but yo never know what life may throw at us before next year.

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