Saturday, April 7, 2012

Chicken Head Anyone?

Dinner at a fine Chinese restaurant was not what we expected! Our friend Pat went to nibble on some of the chicken in the basket as it came around on the giant lazy susan at our table when he thought the piece of chicken was a bit bony. Then he took a better look. It is the chicken head!!

Do you see the beak, eye socket and cockle on the head? Once we figured it out we arranged it on a plate and took pictures. I could not eat after this. This was out first meal in Hong Kong and it would be my last. I almost threw up when I realized what it was. I could barely take this picture.

The rest of the meal was equally as nasty. You think well, wanton soup should be safe huh? NOT! The oddest tasting broth was served with the absolutely nastiest little mystery meat dumplings floating in it. The only edible thing was the white rice. I was not the only one who felt this way either. Mc Donalds was my next meal and I stuck with it until we ventured out to an Outback. Chinese food in Hong Kong is NOT Chinese food in San Diego. Can you say nightmares!

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