Tuesday, July 24, 2012

April Wedding

I've been away from the blog for so long that I need to do some recapping! But where to begin?? In April we had the great opportunity to fly to Fort Walton, Florida for Dan's nieces wedding. There were actually many highlights to the trip one of which was seeing a new part of the country. We were there for 5 days and stayed at a very central and reasonable hotel.

Highlight #1
The wedding was on the water and while it was a casual wedding it had many elegant touches. The bride came down from an upper staircase onto a large garden area just feet from the sand and bay. The ceremony was performed by a minister they both knew from the Air Force. A family style dinner followed and we were seated with the entire Pedersen crew: Virginia and Bob; the siblings~ Beverly and Ron, David and his family, and Dan and me. The food was delicious Italian. The last time we were all together was for Bud's funeral in December, so this was a time of celebration. Dancing in the evening was outside on a large deck surrounded in mini lights and tables with candles. It was a spectacular evening and we were so glad to have attended.

Highlight #2
Being so close to the water, we were able to go out twice on boat excursions. One trip was on a large boat to see the dolphins...and we saw lots. It was a fun way to spend an afternoon. Another day all the siblings  rented a pontoon boat and ventured off to see the sites. That was quite an experience to see how the "rich and famous" live.

Highlight #3
A few days before the wedding Stacey and John took all family members (both sides) on a tour of their giant airplane. They are stationed at Hurlbert Field and that was quite an experience to be  on a military field! There was also an outdoor military aircraft museum located across the street that we wandered thru.

Highlight #4
Just spending time with the relatives! Each day we went on an adventure with some or all of the family. Great fun smashed into 5 days. Well, we got an unintended 6th day because our flight was canceled due to mechanical issues. AA was kind enough to provide transportation, hotel, and food accommodations for an entire plane load of folks until the next day.

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