Saturday, July 28, 2012

Grand Canyon Training

In October Dan, me, Jay, Heidi, and our friends Greg and Stacey are going to meet Heidi's brother and his family at the Grand Canyon to hike to the bottom of the canyon & back up. It is about a 9 1/2 hour hike and with my hip bursitis (old lady disease) I am well aware I cannot really do that big of a hike. Everyone is "training" right now by taking long hikes in our various local hills and mountains. Well, I have to find another way to train, so my YMCA trainer, Brandon, is helping me get ready. At this point, I think a realistic goal will be to plan to hike down 1 hour and then hike back. Maybe by October I'll be able to go further, but right now 2 hours of hiking seems like a LOT. It will be a super fun get-way as we are going to be gone 5 days.

At this point I am walking or on a treadmill at the Y for at least a mile 4-5 days a week. I like the treadmill because I can change the elevations both up and down slopes. but then how can you not love walking at the Pacific Ocean!!

3-4 days a week I am trying to get to the Y to do work with weights etc. One day a week I am with Brandon. Last night was just awful and I am so sore today! We did tons of stuff with that big blue ball (Swiss Ball) that strengthen your core. In other words tighten the muffin top! Then we used those long straps mounted to the wall (TRX) to do push-up, arm curls and squats. OMG! I am so sore today!! Those straps just use your body weight as resistance..and that is more than I would like too! I much prefer the days when he plans to use the weights and machines.

The goal is also to lose the weight the DR. recommended to help my hip and to get strong enough for the hike. OK, he wants me to lose 15 pounds! That seems harder than the training! He told me to do Weight Watchers--thankfully a program I know, so I am back at it again. Keep you posted on that...

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