Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Summer Bible Study

With summer off for teachers, our church offers more daytime Bible studies because we have lots of teachers in our congregation. This is a nice break for me since I usually lead a Wed. night ladies group. Now I get to be a participant rather than planner/facilitator. I chose to participate in 2 studies for a 7 week period. One is on the book of Jonah and is a DVD study with a workbook about how a "life interrupted" is really an opportunity for a "Divine Invitation" to join God in His work. Priscilla Shirer is a wonderful speaker and writer. I already had her book Life Interrupted: Navigaitng the Unexpected  and it is about the same thing as the DVD series but in a wonderful, easy to read book. I love this author, so I am thoroughly enjoying this Tuesday morning study. Talk about a real life study! We can all relate to life's interruptions and having the chance to see how God really uses those times for His purposes puts a whole new perspective on things. Jonah is that chapter in the bible that if your bible pages are still new, they will stick together and you will pass up this 4 page book!

I am also going to a study called Heaven with a different group of women on Thursday mornings. We go all through the bible getting the biblical perspective on heaven. This is far more philosophical than the Jonah study, but a good study anyway.

In September we will start up with our fall studies where we will begin The Story which is an abridged, chronological study (NIV) of the bible. It is always good to just be "in the word." If any of you struggle with the technical reading of the bible, get a copy of this book. It reads more like a novel and doesn't repeat things. It really is abridged and flows nicely while still using the direct New International Version translation. This is also a good version to recommend to new believers who are intimidated with that big book called, "The Bible."

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