Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Different Kind of "Card Party"

All elementary school teachers are familiar with end of the school year " card parties." But for those of you who are not, let me try to explain. Each child has his name and data recorded on a 3 x 5 card. The cards are sorted by grade level. At the end of the year, teachers and the administrator get together and sort the cards out, placing children in classes for the following school year. The cards get shuffled many times so that each class is balanced with second language learners, gifted, emerging readers, gender, ethnicity etc. It takes FOREVER to balance classes. Then there are the parent requests to deal with...Not a fun process.

Well, last night I got to go to another kind of "card party." This was way more fun! We dealt out the Padres season tickets amongst the 11 people who own a part of 6 seats during the Padre's Season. Now in the past we have had our own season tickets, but frankly..who can go to 80 games! (I believe I have an earlier post on the Padres as well).So, we let our tickets go and joined another group who had 40 games available. Gee 1/2 the cost and that works for Retired Teachers who have way less income!

So anyway, last night the group of "boys" and I met at some quaint little pub downtown and dealt the cards. Don't know where their wives were. Actually, it was all done on a spreadsheet so that each person had a fair number of games, series, etc. Mind boggling actually. Anyway, the names were called, the cards dealt and off we went with 40 games plus the opening day. Very exciting.

Here is the best part we are in section 108 which is right over the opposing team dugout and between home and third. We are in row 16...which means you see blades of grass, player's sweat, and can catch balls! They are awesome seats! Now, because I am not a Dodger or Giants fan, I will let Dan take a buddy. Actually, I like those teams and they are fun to watch, but their fans are obnoxious (in my humble opinion) and we sit over their dugout...thus more of their fans! UGH. Been to too many of those game as our seats were a few rows over and we still had the rowdy folks.

So, if you see us on TV, just wave and root for the Padres!

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