Saturday, April 24, 2010

Shipwreck's Beach @ Poi Pu

On Thursday it was raining here in Princeville, so we piled in the new, white mini-van and headed south to the southern side of the island - Poi-Pu. Usually it is dryer there. We did have an hour or so of sun and took full advantage of heading for the beach outside of the Sheraton. The water was nice (not that I went in it or anything) and Jay and Brian practiced body surfing.
I stayed and watched the "stuff" along with the rest of the gang. It gave me a chance to practice with the new camera. See the kid jumping from the cliff? Stupid huh? He was definitely a regular to the beach as we saw him roaming back and forth from the beach to climb up the rocks.

After about an hour the rain poured on us and we ran for shelter at the outside bar. Good Lava Flows and other hard core drinks for the men. Had some food too. What an expensive "let's wait for the rain to stop" moment. Good fun though. Actually we started here, then the sun came out and we headed for the beach, then when it rained, we returned. I'd say we were contributing to the local tourist trade just fine on day 2 of the trip! Heidi arrives tomorrow, then we will all be here:)

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