Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dueling Dachshunds

We have a wonderful, albeit neurotic dachshund named Auggie who is now 14, deaf and losing his eyesight. He has ruled over the house for so long that you can imagine how set in his ways he is. Almost two years ago, one of our son's got a little black and tan dachshund. OOH how fun, they can play together and be buds, right? WRONG and very big WRONG.
There is no love lost between those two (Auggie with the red collar and Danny with the blue collar) although by this time a certain tolerance and acceptance level has been established. Or so I thought until day before yesterday..

You see, I needed to go for a walk (that exercise thing that I must do now that I am retired). I was watching both dogs who typically spend their days at the office, but today they stayed home. No problem I thought. I'll just put them both in the kitchen with the baby gate up, put down a towel to lay on and set out and a little pee-pee pad just in case. Good solid plan right?

Oh, so WRONG! Apparently they barked the entire time. That is not the worst of it. You know about a peeing contest (well it is really called something else that starts with a "p" but I taught 3rd graders so I'll keep it clean). Well, Auggie and Danny decided to go one even better and have a POOPING contest! Who could lay the biggest turd?!

It was all over the kitchen floor (note, nothing landed on the specially set out pee pee pad). It wasn't enough to poop in the kitchen, Danny decided to spread it around the kitchen. TMI for you! Well, ya should have been there, 'cuz whatever you're visualizing doesn't come close to the reality! When I got home, Auggie looked at me like "Please, let me outta here!" and Danny pretty much grinned to say, "Hey are you ready to play now?" Windex and Lysol are my new best friends along with a roll of Costco paper towels.

Moral of this story-don't go walking! No, not really, just don't leave them penned up together. Trouble is just around the corner. Stay tuned for more Auggie and Danny stories as they are a huge part of my life and I do seem to be watching them more now that I am "retired."

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