Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Great Day For A Jog

It is time to get healthy, so how about a run? Sounds like something any normal person might begin doing, HOWEVER, they most likely do not have the "Princess Syndrome." This is very real and those of you who know me, know exactly what I mean. I do not want to get sweaty, dirty, out of breath, or do anything that might have an element of hopping or jumping. The trouble is, I have a trainer at the Y who is an expert motivator for the "Princess Syndrome."

We negotiate. We bargain. In the end he gets me to do what needs to be done and I somehow get the sense that I got to do it "my way." Our latest goal is to run a 15 minute mile. Now don't laugh! It used to be a 20 minute mile. I know you all can walk a 15 minute mile, but I am trying my best to keep moving. The thing is, I like to stroll; you know take small casual steps. Not so in running! I have to remember to eat something first, take longer strides, relax the muscles, get in a comfortable pace, land on your heals not toes, breath evenly, stretch before and after (in my case during too)... gees, I thought ya just went outside and started running! Wait til I try to add the iPod too...

With running you not only get out of breath, but your hips hurt, your calves cramp up, and you sweat. Not so good for a princess. But the good news is today I made the goal of the 15 minute mile! Yes!!! I plan to walk-run in the Trail of Torment in Mission Trails Oct. 4 and I must be able to complete it. That gives me two more weeks to get out there and run, run, run. Unfortunately, I need a babysitter to come along and coach me through otherwise after 200 feet, I am ready to quit and walk the rest of the way.

The Princess Syndrome is tough to overcome and I don't know how realistic it is at age 55, especially since I have exhibited these princess tendencies since early childhood. Just ask my sisters...they know this to be true! But I will keep at it and who knows I may do a 5K in 14 minute miles one day :)


  1. have been a Princess since birth!?

  2. I know and aren't you lucky to have a princess in the family!
